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Showing posts with the label OASat65or70

👉 OAS - How to get $20,000 MORE to RETIRE - Old Age Security Pension

What mistakes could you make to loose this benefit? Alternately, how can you make the most of it? If you are 75 and above, there is some good news. Let’s find out. Correction: I referred to Canada as a Socialist Country by accident, this is incorrect. Canada is a Democracy that practices Social programs to ensure basic needs are met. We most certainly are not a Socialist country but a Democracy. Thanks for pointing that out Richard! 😊 ABOUT ME ============================= Theresa Travels the globe searching for her ideal retirement destination, shares with you her experiences and explores how to prepare for Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE). Formally trained in Architecture, Business and Technology, Theresa brings a depth of knowledge and experience to the topics. DISCLAIMER ============================= WITHOUT PREJUDICE - This channel is purely for entertainment purposes only, please seek advice from certified professionals. 🔔...