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Showing posts with the label 7stagesofgrieving

Assisting Your Partner in Coping with Bereavement Following the Death of a Loved One

We all deal with the loss of a loved one at some point in our lives. As a newlywed, this can be very challenging, as it puts pressure on our ability to bring comfort to our spouse in difficult times. Below I’ve outlined 5 tips on ways to comfort your spouse after the loss of a loved one. 1. Pray 2. Be Patient 3. Be Considerate 4. Offer Practical Help 5. Console Don’t Problem Solve Just as a review, there are 7 stages of grief: 1. Shock and Denial 2. Pain and Guilt 3. Anger and Bargaining 4. Heaviness, Reflection, Loneliness 5. The Upward Turn 6. Reconstruction and Working Through 7. Acceptance and Hope Please keep in mind, there are no time limits on any of these stages. They may overlap or be slightly reordered. But it will always land on some level of HOPE. Thank you for joining me as we continue to navigate our journey as Newlyweds. If you're not a part of the community, please subscribe to the page. More importantly, watch the videos and...