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Putin planea escapar a Sudamérica si pierde la guerra

LN+ EN VIVO las 24 horas Suscribite a LA NACION: Mirá más contenidos en: Seguinos en: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Gracias por mirar. LN+, el canal de televisión de LA NACION. Encontranos en DirectTV (715 y 1715), Cablevisión (19 Clásico y Digital, HD y Flow), TDA (25.3), TeleRed (18 Básico y Digital), TeleCentro (1 y 705Digital), Antina (6 Digital), Supercanal (9 Digital) y Movistar TV/ Play (101).... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERTING IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Russian President Vladimir Putin is reportedly planning to escape to South America if he loses the war. According to a report from the Russian newspaper Kommersant, Putin has already made arrangements to relocate to South America if he is forced to leave the Kremlin. The report claims that Putin has already purchased a luxurious estate in Argentina, with a large villa and a priva...