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Showing posts with the label 401kemployermatchexplained

*What is a 401K or 403B? The Benefits of 401Ks and How to Ask Your Job About a Retirement Plan

Hi guys, in this video, I am sharing EXACTLY what a 401k is. A few videos ago I talked about maximizing your 401k but I forgot to talk about what it is and how you can request it at your job. I hope that this information helps you on your road to a better retirement. You might not be thinking about retirement now, but 10 years before you decide to retire will be your time to make sure that you have all of your money in order and your ducks in a row. #401k #whatisa401k #retirementplanning #retireearly IF YOU LIKE MY CONTENT AND WANT TO SUPPORT MY MISSION TO INSPIRE OTHERS TO GET TO KNOW THEIR MONEY BETTER, THEN I WOULD LOVE A CUP OF COFFEE: LOOKING FOR A WORK FROM HOME JOB? JOIN MY NEW FACEBOOK GROUP: *Comment below with any questions or new topics you would like me to discuss! **Give a LIKE to the video! ***SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date! NEED FINANCIAL PLANNING or HELP WITH YOUR TAXES? Email me CONNECT WITH ME & GET MORE FREE FI...