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Showing posts with the label 401kingermany

Pensions like 401k & (Roth) IRA in Germany? | Personal Finance Q&A Highlight

Retirement accounts like 401k & (Roth) IRA are very popular in the U.S. Does Germany offer similar pension plans? 🤔 Germany's pension system consists of 3 different layers: Level 2 is very similar to the 401k with employer match (at least partly). Level 3 is like the (Roth) IRA that offers tax benefits in the payout phase. See the full details about 401k, Roth IRA, and the German pension system in this Personal Finance Q&A Highlight. ----- Participate in our Personal Finance Q&A Livestreams and ask your question: Personal Finance Q&A Playlist: ----- PerFinEx - Personal Finance for Expats The #1 English-Speaking & Independent Financial Planner in Germany ----- Set yourself up for financial success! Text Us on WhatsApp: +49 175 50 30 773 Book a meeting with us: ----- Like & follow us on Social Media! Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: ----- The content of this YouTube channel is provided for informational, educational, and ...