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Showing posts with the label AgePensionpaymentslimits

Unveiling the Truth about the Age Pension Assets Test!

What assets are included in Age Pension Assets Test. Understanding how the Assets Test work and what assets are included, how to maximise the Age Pension benefit can be a difference between a comfortable retirement with good level of income OR struggling financially. In this video I will explain all little details about Assets Test and why it is so important if you want to improve you Age Pension payments. I will go over all types of assets that are included in Assets Test and answer questions that I often get about treatment of different assets. I will cover the following: 00:36 Assets Test problem 01:48 Basics of Assets Test 02:57 Origin of Assets Test problem 05:38 Current Assets Test limits 06:48 What assets are included in Assets Test? 06:54 Personal Effects 07:41 Financial Assets 07:44 Superannuation 08:31 Income Streams 08:53 Annuities 09:31 Other assets 10:15 Real Estate 12:53 Retirement Village 13:21 Gifting 13:54 Assets You Control 14:54 Business Assets Feel free...