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Showing posts with the label 401krolloverfordummies

Should I keep my old 401k or rollover to an IRA? Exploring your options.

Do you have an old employer 401k plan that you don't know what to do with? Don Anders discusses whether or not you should do a 401k Rollover to IRA or if you should keep your money in your employer 401k plan . If you'd like to learn more about your options or to book an appointment with someone on Don's team, feel free to visit us at 0:00 Introduction 0:23 Should I move an old 401K? 0:40 You do not own the rights of your 401k account 1:18 401K fees can be very expensive 1:35 Two Options: Take the fees, or roll it over 1:58 Factor to Look Into #1: The Investments 2:11 Factor to Look Into #2: The Fees 2:28 My Recommendation: Talk to an Advisor, look at IRAs #401k #401krollover #donanders #retirementplanning #investing... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Old 401k Options: Should I Keep My 401K or Rollover to...

401k for Dummies - What is a 4o1k?

What is a 401k for dummies Are 4o1k plan really any good? 1-800-566-1002 4o1k plans are the most used types of retirement accounts. Understand the basics of a 401k plan for dummies and avoid the most common mistakes that individuals make when setting up their accounts. 401k retirement plan for dummies A 401k is a type of employer-sponsored retirement plan . It is a way for employees to save for their retirement by having a certain percentage of their paycheck withheld by their employer and deposited into the company's plan. Employers can choose to match the employee's contributions and thereby share the profits of the company with their employees. The plan is usually operated through an investment firm. How does a 401k work for dummies? Your employer withholds a certain amount of your paycheck and deposits that money, along with any matching contributions, into your 4o1k account. The money in the plan is invested in various financial instruments, such as m...