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Showing posts with the label AARP

AARP Leader Minces No Words About PERS

AARP Oregon Legislative Director Rick Bennett has told state legislators that his 500,000-member organization believes cutting PERS is not the way to balance the state's budget. In sometimes pointed testimony before a Senate committee, Bennett castigated Governor Kitzhaber and the legislative leaders for "trying to pit young against old" in trying to tie education support to reduced retirement benefits for seniors as well as cuts to care for elderly Oregonians and those with disabilities. When one senator said PERS cuts amount to "shared sacrifice," Bennett reminded him that legislators continue to protect hundreds of tax loopholes for profitable corporations and wealthy Oregonians. "Some of you," he said, "have a rather disturbing view of what shared sacrifice is."... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Retirement Planning REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO IN...