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Showing posts with the label AlexWinkler

Should I Sell Covered Calls In Roth IRA?

Timestamps 👇 Goodies 👉 👍 & 0:00 Intro 0:30 Day Trading RECAP 1:00 Margin With Roth IRA 2:32 What Trading Strategy is Best For Roth IRA? 3:55 KZR Stock Trades 4:52 GGPI Stock Trades 5:33 BIMI Stock Trades 6:33 GOVX Stock Trades 8:04 PROG Stock Price Action --- FAQ: Q: What trading platform do you use? A: ThinkorSwim from TD Ameritrade (because it's really nice and free) Q: Do you trade the market open every day? Will you trade the market open today? A: We streamed the market open since November 2019 since June 25th, 2021 this is on pause, until further notice. Q: Do you have a video on how you make a watch list (stock scanner video)? A: Why yes I do.. - any updates will be mentioned in the discord under the TD Ameritrade chat. Q: I like your TOS layout how can I set it up? A: Day Trader : A: Day Trader - Vert AT link: Q: How can I add the Mixed Vol to my TOS? A: Full video on it here: (also inside our discord) A: Join ...