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Showing posts with the label 2019realestateinvestments

Real Estate Market Report 2019 | Self-Directed IRAs

Where and How Equity Trust Clients are Investing in Real Estate Download the Free Real Estate Market Report: The trend of individual investors diversifying their retirement accounts to include a broad range of assets continues to grow. Often referred to as self-directed IRAs, real estate is one of the most popular assets for self-directed investors, and the 2019 Self-Directed Real Estate Market Report provides data on real estate investments made by self-directed investors. As a leading custodian of self-directed IRAs, Equity Trust researched 10 years of client data related to investing in real estate to produce this report. What states have the highest and lowest real estate purchase price? What is the average real estate purchase price? Find the data to answer those questions. Learn more about Real Estate IRAs and the Real Estate Market: - Where are clients purchasing real estate (by region and by state) - Types of properties purchased by region - Northeast region ...