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Showing posts with the label 401k2021contributionlimit

Average 401k balance by age || How much you need in YOUR 401k to Retire || 401k + Retirement

Average 401k balance by age || How much you need in YOUR 401k to Retire || 401k + Retirement Buy Our Book: Click Here For More Retirement Planning Videos: In this video I want to discuss the average 401k balance by age. This is not the median 401k retirement balance but the average which is skewed higher. Please do not get discouraged if the average 401k balance does not fit where you are financially. This video is not designed to make you feel bad about your 401k balance or retirement investments, but instead, use this video as a yard stick to help you continue to grow your retirement assets toward financial freedom! I also want to show you how your 401k, IRA, or retirement asset balance does not need to be one million dollars to retire. It just needs to be enough to cover your lifestyle and cost of living. I encourage you to visit the link below to download the free booklet, "The Roadmap to Retirement." Click Here to Subscribe: **Free Retirement Download: ...