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Showing posts with the label 457bcontributionlimits

A Beginner's Guide to 457b Retirement Plans

FREE WEBINAR: "The Secret Retirement Plan Big Finance Doesn't Want You To Know About": Want to schedule a consultation? Click here: Disclaimer: Please consult with your own tax, legal and financial advisors for personalized advice. 00:00 Intro 00:34 What is a 457b 01:00 How 457b Accounts Help You Save 03:08 Contribution Limits 05:48 Withdrawal Features 06:35 Are there ROTH 457b 06:55 Are you required to take RMDs from a 457? 07:11 How are distributions taxed? 07:59 Can you rollover a 457 A 457 b is a tax advantaged retirement savings plan. In some ways its pretty similar to the more common 401k plan or even TSP or 403b plans 401k plans are much more likely to be offered at a private for profit company TSPs are usually offered to employees of the federal government 457bs and 403bs are usually offered to employees of non profit organizations, local and municipal government employees, or employees of public safety organizations such as law enforcement or...