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Showing posts with the label 401KInvestingBasics

Is Rolling Over My 401k a Good Idea?

#401k rollover #financial education Should I Roll Over My 401k? If you have a 401k with a previous employer you basically have 4 options... 1. Leave it where its at 2. Roll it to your new employers plan 3. Cash it out 4. Roll it over to an IRA In this video I discuss the pros and cons of rolling over your 401k. Why you should rollover your 401k and some reasons not top rollover your 401k. Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to our channel if you like the content. retirement planning can seem overwhelming, and it's hard to know where to start. I am passionate about retirement planning and financial Education! Here are a few ways that we might be able to help; 1. Watch our free educational videos here on our YouTube Channel 2. Like the Money Evolution Facebook Page. Additional investment and retirement planning content, including Live Stream Market, updates not on the YouTube Channel. 3. The Retirement Time Machine online course! Over 13 hours of instru...

Investing in 401k for Novices: On the Path to Becoming a Future Millionaire

A 401k will most likely be the largest investment account you own throughout your lifetime. But investing in a 401k can get a little confusing because there's so much to learn. The worst part is that your employer doesn't teach you what to do. In this video, I break down everything you need to know about investing in your 401k. We'll cover the different types of accounts, your investment option, and many more things as well. Roth 401k Vs. Traditional 401k: 01:10 - 401k Advantages 02:52 - 401k Defined 07:36 - Employer Match 09:10 - Choosing A Brokerage 09:29 - How To Invest In A 401k 10:09 - How Much To Invest 11:11 - Investment Options Learn how to build a $300k HSA account here: Everything you need to know about index fund investing is right here: Here is the road map for how you should invest your money: IRA Playlist: Check Out My Recommendations (It helps support the channel): 🔥 M1 FINANCE Investing- Free $10 (once you deposit at least ...

Should You Invest In A Roth 401k Or Traditional 401k

Investing in a Roth 401k vs Traditional 401k is not always an easy decision. To help make the right decision for you, this video goes through what a Roth and Traditional 401k are and takes a look at what could be the better option. Instead of doing basic math to give you an idea, I take a financial planning approach and go through my financial planning software and share the details, looking at what whether your chances of retirement are better with the Roth 401k or the Traditional 401k. *This video is intended solely for entertainment and educational purposes. All content provided are opinions of Eric W. Powell and are not to be considered tax and or financial advice* ☎️ To book a complimentary call with a fiduciary advisor and join the movement to help everyday investors grow their wealth** 0:00 Intro 1:00 Tax Rates 1:20 Roth 401k and Traditional 401k explained 3:25 Employer contribution is tax deferred 4:00 Financial Planning tax deferred...

How To Invest Your 401k

401k investing retirement planning retirement investing How to Invest your 401k For many, your 401k may be your single largest retirement savings investment. Do you understand your investment options? In this video I discuss... ** Target Date Funds ** Mutual Funds ** Collective Investment Trusts ** Advice from your plan provider ** Self Direct 401k Option ** Exchange Traded Funds in your 401k (ETF's) Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to our channel if you like the content. Retirement planning can seem overwhelming, and it's hard to know where to start. I am passionate about retirement planning and financial Education! Here are a few ways that we might be able to help; 1. Watch our free educational videos here on our YouTube Channel 2. Like the Money Evolution Facebook Page. Additional investment and retirement planning content, including Live Stream Market, updates not on the YouTube Channel. 3. The Retirement Time Machine online course! Over 13 h...