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Showing posts with the label TheTSPMutualFundWindow

The TSP Mutual Fund Window

Today we continue our deep dive into TSP with a look at the new mutual fund window option this is a big change and we've got some good information you'll need to know if you're considering adding mutual funds to your overall tsp investment mix Since its inception the thrift savings plan has offered participants two choices for investing their money index funds focused on five areas including government securities, common stock, fixed income investments, small cap stocks or international stocks then you have life cycle funds consisting of a diversified mix of the five core index funds and designed to generate maximum returns over a defined period of time. In the summer of 2022 TSP participants will have access to more investment choices when the federal retirement thrift investment board or the agency that oversees the TSP opens a mutual fund window. The mutual fund window is expected to make about 5 000 different mutual fund choices available to the TSP th...