Financial Planning: Optimal Retirement Income Plan for 61-Year-Old with $1,200,000, Including Social Security & Roth IRA Conversion
Retirement Income Strategy for 61 Year Old With $1,200,000 || Social Security & Roth IRA Conversion Buy Our Book: In this video I want to go through a Retirement Income Strategy for a 61 year old with $1,200,000 in retirement savings and retirement investments. In this retirement strategy, the couple is asking "Can I Retire", but also asking, "when should we collect our social security benefits," and "what about taxes?" Social Security benefits claiming strategies ( are essential to anyone's retirement planning and need to be carefully planned out. TAXES are also a HUGE component to a retirement planning strategy and need even more attention than Social Security ( Retirement income strategies and retirement income planning are two big pieces to anyones retirement planning calculator. Whether you are wanting to know strategies for " retirement planning at 30", " retirement planning at 40", " retirement pl...