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Showing posts with the label investavenue

VTI vs VOO: Comparing the Top Vanguard ETF Index Funds

🔴 ➡️ Invest with CONFIDENCE with the BEST stock research platform available, complete with a modern interface, streamlined dashboards, and all the info you need about a company to make FAST and INFORMED investing decisions with a 14-day FREE trial of Simply Wall St: 📙Recommended Book List I'm a big advocate of reading books and believe it's one of the least expensive ways to educate yourself on a variety of topics. Below is a collection of books I've read and enjoyed, and would recommend to anyone interested in business, finance, and entrepreneurship. --------------------------------------------------------- 💡Entrepreneurship The $100 Startup: Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days: 💰Business / Investments -The Intelligent Investor : The Definitive Book on Value Investing : -The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness : -One Up On Wall Street: How To Use What You Al...