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Showing posts with the label 股市跌401k怎么办

What to Do with IRA and 401(k) Investments in the Face of Stock Market Crash? Sharing Some Dos and Don'ts | Long-term Investment Strategies for IRA and 401(k)

股市大跌 401k IRA怎样操作 | 401k IRA 长期投资 策略 | 股市跌 投资方案 | 401k投资 IRA账户 投资 | 最近的股市真的是跌宕起伏,所以就有一些朋友问我说,他们在401k和IRA账户里面的钱,要不要先转成现金避一避风险。然后等股市稍平定下来之后再投回去?要不然这每天的心情就好像坐过山车一样,让人无比煎熬。虽然这些跌幅和震荡在股市历史中其实都不算大,但我们还是可以想象,眼睁睁的看着自己努力工作赚来的钱就这样在股市中蒸发掉,那真的确实是一件让人压力山大的事情。 今天我就跟大家分享一下,面对股市大跌的时候,几种我会对自己401k和IRA账户所做的事情,和几种不会对这些账户所做的事情。这些都只是用我个人的想法与看法来跟大家分享。而我们每一个人都有着不一样的财务情况和风险承受能力,所以,我们每个人对市场动荡所做出的反应当然也会不同。... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERT IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERT IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Stock Market Plunges: What to Do with IRA and 401k Investments? Sharing a Few Do's and Don'ts The recent volatility in the stock market has left many investors worried about the fate of their retirement savings, particularly those held in individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and 401k plans. As the markets experience wild swings, it's essential to keep a level head and have a well-thought-out strateg...