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Showing posts with the label coopermitchell

Warren Buffett Shares Insights on Investing in the TSP

Warren Buffett on the TSP Article: ► Subscribe to My Channel Here: -- Cooper Mitchell helps federal employees better understand their benefits and helps them retire on their terms. Using financial planning and investment management, Cooper is able to tackle the issues that are unique to federal employees. Cooper is also a public speaker who is available for various federal conferences and events. Find Cooper here: Website: Work with Cooper: Facebook: Email: -- As always, enjoy and please subscribe! -- © Copyright Fed Retirement Planning 2017, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Warren Buffett on Investing in the TSP Warren Buffett, widely regarded as one of the most successful investors of all time, is celebrated for his expertise in ch...

The Reasons Why Roth TSP Investment is Ideal for Majority of Federal Employees

↓↓ ONLY SUBSCRIBE IF YOU'RE IN THE TSP ↓↓ Too few federal employees are investing in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) and that needs to change. ► Subscribe to My Channel Here: -- Cooper Mitchell helps federal employees better understand their benefits and helps them retire on their terms. Using financial planning and investment management, Cooper is able to tackle the issues that are unique to federal employees. Cooper is also a public speaker who is available for various federal conferences and events. Find Cooper here: Website: Work with Cooper: Facebook: Email: -- As always, enjoy, and please subscribe! -- © Copyright Fed Retirement Planning 2018, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Why Most Federal Employees Should Invest in the Roth TS...

Ep. 5 of #FedRetirementWeekly: Determining the Appropriate Time to Withdraw from my TSP

One of the most popular questions regarding the TSP is, when can I withdraw it? Today, I go over when, how, and things to look out for when withdrawing from the TSP. -- ► Subscribe to My Channel Here: -- Cooper Mitchell helps federal employees better understand their benefits and helps them retire on their terms. Using financial planning and investment management through Cooper is able to tackle the issues that are unique to federal employees. Cooper is also a public speaker who is available for various federal conferences and events. Find Cooper here: Website: Work with Cooper: Facebook: Email: -- As always, enjoy, and please subscribe! -- © Copyright Fed Retirement Planning 2016, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP...

"Discover the Three Habits of TSP Millionaires!"

⬇⬇Subscribe Here! Do you want to be a TSP Millionaire? Of course you do, and here's the best can! Here are three habits that those with $1,000,000+ in their Thrift Savings Plan account follow Therefore, so should you. Website: Facebook: Twitter: Email: © Copyright Fed Retirement Planning 2019, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing As more and more people are becoming interested in investing in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), it is interesting to take a closer look at the habits of those who have become TSP millionaires. These are the people who have made the most out of their TSP investment and accumulated a significant amount of wealth. Here are three of the most common habits of TSP millionaires: 1. Consistency in in...

Boost Your TSP in Three Easy Steps to Achieve Double the Savings

Join the Fed Retirement Planning Community: Ever wondered how you can double the amount in your TSP? Here are three steps to increasing the amount substantially! -- ► Subscribe to My Channel Here -- Cooper Mitchell helps federal employees better understand their benefits and helps them retire on their terms. Using financial planning and investment management through Cooper is able to tackle the issues that are unique to federal employees. Cooper is also a public speaker who is available for various federal conferences and events. Find Cooper here: Website: Work with Cooper: Facebook: Email: -- As always, enjoy, and please subscribe! -- © Copyright Fed Retirement Planning 2016, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing As a member of the military, you...

The TSP's Fluctuating Nature: Examining Volatility

In todays video I discuss the recent volatility in the market and its relation to the Thrift Savings Plan. -- ► Subscribe to My Channel Here: -- Cooper Mitchell helps federal employees better understand their benefits and helps them retire on their terms. Using financial planning and investment management, Cooper is able to tackle the issues that are unique to federal employees. Cooper is also a public speaker who is available for various federal conferences and events. Find Cooper here: Website: Work with Cooper: Facebook: Email: -- As always, enjoy, and please subscribe! -- © Copyright Fed Retirement Planning 2016, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Write an article about Volatility in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) in English https://infla...

TSP Loan Basics: TSP Loans operate a bit differently than a 401k loan but not much. However, there are a couple things you need to know as you consider whether or not to take a loan form your TSP. We cover those issues here. The links to the website for can be found here: ================================ If you like what you see, a thumbs up helps A LOT. It tells YouTube that people are engaged and so the Youtube algorithm will show the video to others who may be interested in the content. So, give me a thumbs up, please! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE by clicking here: My Amazon Product page: Anything you buy there Amazon pays me a commission. Much appreciated! If you received value from this video and/or channel, and want to say thanks, feel free to send a donation via Paypal. I'm not too proud to ask! Contact me: GET MY BOOKS: ALL are FREE to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers! The Tax Bomb In Your Retirement Accounts: How ...

TSP C Fund - What You Need To Know

TSP C Fund is a very low cost S&P 500 index fund. The S&P 500 index is essentially the largest 500 publicly traded companies in the United States. Largest means market capitalization. Does not mean revenue, sales, number of employees or anything like that. Simply means you take the number of shares outstanding times that by the current share price and VOILA, that is your market capitalization. The 500 largest market capitalization stocks in the US are in the SP 500. So, now that you know what the C Fund is how do you incorporate it into YOUR portfolio? Well, in my opinion, the C Fund should be the foundation of ALL portfolios where the investor won't need the money for 5 years or more. If you can withstand some serious market chaos, and by serious I mean a 50% decline like we saw from Oct 2007 to Mar 2009, a 25% decline every 4 years or so and on average a 14% decline EACH YEAR, you could make a lot of money in the C Fund. In fact, since inception the...

Does the Roth TSP have an RMD? - #FedRetirementWeekly Ep. 1

In today's video, I discuss whether the Roth TSP has an RMD and what happens with that RMD if you roll it over to a Roth IRA. FedSmith Article: -- ► Subscribe to My Channel Here: -- Cooper Mitchell helps federal employees better understand their benefits and helps them retire on their terms. Using financial planning and investment management through Cooper is able to tackle the issues that are unique to federal employees. Cooper is also a public speaker who is available for various federal conferences and events. Find Cooper here: Website: Work with Cooper: Facebook: Email: -- As always, enjoy, and please subscribe! -- © Copyright Fed Retirement Planning 2016, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing

Are TSP Fees Really That Low?!

The TSP is one of the largest retirement plans in the world! One of the best features offered by the TSP is the low fees. However, what are you getting for those low fees and is it a worthwhile investment? I answer these questions and more. -- ► Subscribe to My Channel Here: -- Cooper Mitchell helps federal employees better understand their benefits and helps them retire on their terms. Using financial planning and investment management through Cooper is able to tackle the issues that are unique to federal employees. Cooper is also a public speaker who is available for various federal conferences and events. Find Cooper here: Website: Work with Cooper: Facebook: Email: -- As always, enjoy, and please subscribe! -- © Copyright Fed Retirement Planning 2016, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW...

Survivor Annuity Plan vs Life Insurance Showdown | #FedRetirementWeekly Ep. 15

↓↓ FULL IN-DEPTH ARTICLE HERE ↓↓ Question: "Hi Cooper, I'm getting ready to retire, and I can't decide if I should choose the Survivor Annuity Plan or purchase life insurance. What's your opinion?" ► Subscribe to My Channel Here: -- Cooper Mitchell helps federal employees better understand their benefits and helps them retire on their terms. Using financial planning and investment management, Cooper is able to tackle the issues that are unique to federal employees. Cooper is also a public speaker who is available for various federal conferences and events. Find Cooper here: Website: Work with Cooper: Facebook: Email: -- As always, enjoy, and please subscribe! -- © Copyright Fed retirement planning 2017, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERTING IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA ...

The Worst TSP Fund!

↓↓ LIKE FRP ON FACEBOOK ↓↓ The worst TSP Fund has underperformed with significant volatility since it's inception. Can you guess which fund it is? ► Subscribe to My Channel Here: -- Cooper Mitchell helps federal employees better understand their benefits and helps them retire on their terms. Using financial planning and investment management, Cooper is able to tackle the issues that are unique to federal employees. Cooper is also a public speaker who is available for various federal conferences and events. Find Cooper here: Website: Work with Cooper: Facebook: Email: -- Graphs used from: - she has an awesome infograph on the I-Fund as well. -- As always, enjoy, and please subscribe! -- © Copyright Fed Retirement Planning 2017, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST...

How to MAXIMIZE Your 2017 TSP Contributions!

2017 is upon us, and I want to show you how to MAXIMIZE your contributions to the Thrift Savings Plan. Full Article Here: -- ► Subscribe to My Channel Here: -- Cooper Mitchell helps federal employees better understand their benefits and helps them retire on their terms. Using financial planning and investment management, Cooper is able to tackle the issues that are unique to federal employees. Cooper is also a public speaker who is available for various federal conferences and events. Find Cooper here: Website: Work with Cooper: Facebook: Email: -- As always, enjoy, and subscribe! -- © Copyright Fed Retirement Planning 2017, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing

How to Become a TSP Millionaire!

↓↓ CHECK OUT THE TSP MILLIONAIRE GUIDE BELOW ↓↓ ► Subscribe to My Channel Here: -- Cooper Mitchell helps federal employees better understand their benefits and helps them retire on their terms. Using financial planning and investment management, Cooper is able to tackle the issues that are unique to federal employees. Cooper is also a public speaker who is available for various federal conferences and events. Find Cooper here: Website: Work with Cooper: Facebook: Email: -- As always, enjoy, and please subscribe! -- © Copyright Fed Retirement Planning 2017, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealt...

What Happens to a TSP Loan when I Leave Federal Service? | #FedRetirementWeekly Ep. 2

Question of the week: What Happens to a TSP Loan when I Leave Federal Service? As always, enjoy, and please subscribe! Website: Facebook: Twitter: Email: Timelapse: @caseyneistat © Copyright Fed retirement planning 2016, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERTING IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #coopermitchell #fedretirementplanning #federalretirementplanning #federalretirementtips #militaryretirement #militaryretirementhelp #thriftsavingsplanhelp #tsptips #SpousalIRA #coopermitchell #fedretirementplanning #federalretirementplanning #federalretirementtips #militaryretirement #militaryreti...

10 Awful TSP No-No's You Should Avoid

I have seen federal employees make many mistakes when it comes to their TSP unfortunately. Because of this, I've been able to put together 10 things that every federal employee should avoid in relation to their TSP. -- ► Subscribe to My Channel Here: -- Cooper Mitchell helps federal employees better understand their benefits and helps them retire on their terms. Using financial planning and investment management through Cooper is able to tackle the issues that are unique to federal employees. Cooper is also a public speaker who is available for various federal conferences and events. Find Cooper here: Website: Work with Cooper: Facebook: Email: -- As always, enjoy, and please subscribe! -- © Copyright Fed Retirement Planning 2016, All Rights Reserved... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER:...