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Showing posts with the label Ccorporation

2022/2023 Solo 401k Contributions Guide w/ Secure Act 2.0 Update (S-corp/C-corp/LLC as S/C-Corp/W-2)

Please join TODAY Friday 1/20/2023 at 1:00 pm Pacific/4:00 pm Eastern as Harvard Law Attorney George Blower leads an in-depth discussion of the 2022 and 2023 Mega Backdoor Roth Solo 401k Self-Directed Solo 401k Contribution Limits & Types for self-employed businesses taxed as S-corporations, C-corporation, LLCs taxed as S-corporations/C-corporations including Secure Act 2.0 Update! LEARN MORE: The solo 401k plan, commonly referred to as self-directed Solo 41k is the retirement plan of choice for self-employed individuals or owner-only businesses including for the features highlighted below: -The highest contribution limits for any defined contribution plan including up to $61,000 (or even $66,500 if you are 50 or older) for 2022 (for 2023: $66k or $73.5 if you are 50 or older). -The ability to make pre-tax, Roth, and even Mega Backdoor Roth contributions. -401k participant loans of up to $50,000 -Invest with checkbook control in real estate,...