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Showing posts with the label bestRetirementAnnuity

Annuities for Retirement - Understanding the Retirement Annuity Agreement

Retirement Annuity Contracts- What is a Retirement Annuity and is it important? 1-800-566-1002 . What is a retirement annuity and how can you avoid the most common mistakes that individuals make when purchasing a retirement annuity contract for their specific goals. Finding the Best Retirement Annuities As an investor moves into retirement, their financial priorities will change. Their attention will turn to generating income from investments. The attitude towards risk for the investor should also change, and in general they will begin to move towards lower risk investment. Preservation of their principal is also important to retirees so that they have enough savings to last throughout their lifetime and perhaps their spouse's lifetime. Retirement annuities are exactly the investment vehicle that is required to help retirees make this transition in financial priorities. Retirement annuities offer them an income stream for life. If a retiree is new to annuities, th...