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Showing posts with the label dividendguy

Inflation Protection: REITs, Commodities, Utilities and...

Download my Free Recession-Proof Portfolio Workbook: Have you looked at your groceries lately? Inflation is kicking back, right? If you're about to retire, this is one of your biggest enemies. Here's how you can protect your portfolio from it. 01:44 Impact of Inflation in Your Portfolio 03:23 Solutions Against Inflation 07:34 The Metrics and Filters to Fight Back Inflation 11:45 Why Dividend Growers are The Best Protection Why Investing in Gold Sucks MORE No More Dividends But I Keep It? Smith Manoeuvre: Borrow, Invest, Create Wealth Best Canadian Dividend Stocks for 2022 Get more info on: Blog: Podcast: Twitter: @TheDividendGuy Facebook: Newsletter: Disclaimer: The information contained within this video channel is for informational purposes only, and it is not intended as a recommendation of the securities highlighted or any particular investment strategy; nor should it be considered a solicitation to buy or sell any security. In addition, this inform...