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Showing posts with the label DividendStockPortfolio

rewrite this title Investing $20,000 in METAVERSE & CRYPTO | New Ways To INVEST & make MONEY! | SEP IRA, GOLD & BITCOIN

$20,000 in METAVERSE & CRYPTO | Our "OTHER" Investments | New Ways To Make MONEY | Retiring in 2027 Today I will share some of the unpopular ways we invest! It's not a Roth IRA or Apple stock but some of the other ways you can invest and make money over time! Enjoy! Video Time Stamps: 00:00 - Intro 02:07 - Investing Workbook Sale - 02:28 - Investing in the HSA 07:30 - Investing in Cryptocurrency 09:47 - Investing in NFTs 10:48 - Investing in the Metaverse 13:20 - Investing in Gold/Silver 14:34 - Investing in Sep IRA OR Solo 401k 17:36 - Why we invest in each of these accounts/types 18:23 - Outro ~ Links to video I mentioned: Crypto 101 - How we bought our NFTs - H.S.A. 101 - Our F.I.R.E. Journey - *April Investing Challenge, Services & Products - 👉 Get your Digital Investing Workbook here - 👉Need one on one help in a private space? Book a session here - 👉Patreon Link - ...

M1 Finance Portfolio with Dividend Stocks, REITs and Investment Strategy for Dividend and REITs in 2023.

In this video, I review what is inside my M1 Finance Dividend Stock Portfolio and my REITs that distributed some high dividend income. I also review one of the REITs, AFC Gamma and why I buy this high dividend yield REIT. AFCG stock is one of of the highest paying dividend stocks, but there is a risk of a dividend cut, and stagmant dividend growth due to a potential incoming recession. I love buying dividend stocks and my Yotubue channel is free for you as I reveal to you my dividend investing strategy and dividend growth investing strategy for my two dividend portfolios. I also do dividend stock analysis videos for FREE as a token of appreciation for all of you as Dividend Warriors / Passive Income investors. If I were you, I would take advantage of FREE videos and my dividend investing strategies so make sure you like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell, so you don't miss future videos! 0:00 High Yield Dividend Stocks Introduction 1:34 M1 Finance Dividend Income...

In which account should I hold Dividend Stocks: Taxable or Retirement?

In this video we are talking dividend stocks, but more specifically we are talking about what type of investment account is best to hold your dividend stocks, including REIT's, BDC's and MLP's. Link to the Patreon Community: MY EXACT Dividend Stock Portfolio -- See it in M1 Finance! || ------------------------------ IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This communication/content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as personalized investment advice, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or as an endorsement of any company, security, fund, or other securities or non-securities offering. This communication should not be relied upon for purposes of transacting in securities or other investment vehicles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

Dividend Taxes Explained (And How To Avoid Paying Them)

The worst part about dividend investing is paying taxes on your dividend income. Nobody likes taxes, and although it's something we don't want to have to deal with, unfortunately there's no way around it. However, when it comes to dividend taxes, there are ways you can avoid paying them, which we'll be talking about in this video. I'll be explaining how dividend income is taxed, and will share a couple of ways you can avoid paying taxes on your dividends. 📩 SIGN UP FOR MY FREE INVESTING NEWSLETTER ► 📊 GET MY FREE DIVIDEND PORTFOLIO SPREADSHEET HERE ► 💬 JOIN THE DRIP N' SIP DISCORD GROUP, A FREE COMMUNITY FOR DIVIDEND INVESTORS ► 📈 TRY SEEKING ALPHA PREMIUM FOR FREE (7-DAY TRIAL) ► ⏰ CHAPTERS ⏰ 0:00​​ - Intro 0:58 - How Qualified Dividends Are Taxed 4:11 - How Ordinary Dividends Are Taxed 5:40 - Another Way To Avoid Dividend Taxes 6:40 - Inside My Roth IRA The ideas and opinions presented in this...

I'm Building A Roth IRA Portfolio | Part 1

In this video, we will be starting a Roth IRA using the Boglehead 4 fund strategy. Don't forget to Like & Subscribe! ▶This Portfolio: ▶Yotta Referral Code: LUIS2358... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts INVESTING IN A GOLD IRA: Gold IRA Account INVESTING IN A SILVER IRA: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #BestDividendStocks #dividend #dividendinvesting #dividendinvestingforbeginners #dividendinvestingstrategy #dividendstock #dividendstockinvesting #DividendStockPortfolio #dividendstocks #dividends #dividendsexplained #howtoearndividends #howtoearnpassiveincome #howtoinvest #M1 #m1finance #m1financedividends #passiveincome #passiveincomedividends #passiveincomeideas #passiveincomeproof #RothIRA #stock #stockmarket #Stocks #VanguardIRA #BestDivi...

ALL OF MY INVESTMENTS REVEALED || Dividend Stock Portfolio, 401k, Roth IRA

In this video I am revealing for you my entire investment portfolio across all of my investment accounts, including my dividend stock portfolio and being fully transparent on how I invest all of my money and why. Link to the Patreon Community: MY EXACT Dividend Stock Portfolio -- See it in M1 Finance! || MY EXACT Emergency Fund Portfolio -- See it in M1 Finance! || This communication/content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as personalized investment advice, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or as an endorsement of any company, security, fund, or other securities or non-securities offering. This communication should not be relied upon for purposes of transacting in securities or other investment vehicles. 00:00 Introduction 01:27 Overview of All Accounts 01:51 401(k) retirement account 04:22 Dividend Stock Portfolio 07:27 Disneyland Fund 09:08 Emergency Fund 10:32 Roth IRA Account 12:45 M1 Fi...