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Showing posts with the label badmoneyhabits

The Paradox of Saving Money: How It May Lead to Financial Hardship

In this video, I'm going to talk about why saving money is actually making you poor and what to do instead. I'll explain how when you save your money, you're actually losing money due to inflation and opportunity cost. Saving money is a good thing, but if you're not careful, saving money can actually lead to poverty. In this video, I'm going to show you how saving money can actually put you in a poor financial situation. I hope that this video will help you to rethink how you're spending your money and help you to live a more financially secure lifestyle! 📈 Webull ► ⚡💰Buy & Sell Stocks, Pay $0 in Commissions! ✔️Get up to 12 FREE Fractional Shares Valued Up to $30,600 🔐 Ledger Wallets ► Protect Your Crypto & Get Off Exchanges!! ⚡💰 Nano S Plus, Nano X, and Stax: From $79!! ✔️ Completely Own & Control Your Crypto! 💵 iTrustCapital ► ⚡💰Open a Free Roth o...

Stop Self-Sabotage: 8 Money Habits That Lead to Poverty

Most of what we do with our money everyday is unconscious. The more aware you are of your money habits, the faster you can reach your financial goals. Without realizing it, you might be doing these 8 money habits that keep you poor. See if you recognize any of these bad money habits in yourself, and what money habits to break this year. These habits keep you poor, and in this video I share my best personal finance tips for breaking bad money habits and replacing them with GOOD money habits! ***ATTENTION: I have a new Instagram and TikTok handle @itsrosehan *** That's my official account, and I will NEVER message you about investment schemes, so please be careful and block & report any scammers posing as me. __________ ***BOOKS I RECOMMEND 📚*** I Will Teach You to Be Rich (hilarious how-to book on personal finance for millennials) The Little Book of Common Sense Investing (Jack Bogle's classic advice on index funds) InvestED (step-by-step, mil...

Ways the Middle Class Can Fall into Money Traps and Remain Financially Strained

In this video, we'll explore the top 5 middle class money traps that keep you broke and give you practical tips on how to avoid them. These traps include overspending on housing, keeping up with the Joneses, eating out too often, financing a car, and not investing in yourself. We'll provide insight into why these traps are so common, as well as offer tips on how to break free from them. By following our advice, you'll be able to take control of your finances and live a more financially secure life. So, grab a drink, sit back, and get ready to learn how to avoid the middle-class money traps that keep you broke. 📈 Webull ► ⚡💰Buy & Sell Stocks, Pay $0 in Commissions! ✔️Get up to 12 FREE Fractional Shares Valued Up to $30,600 🔐 Ledger Wallets ► Protect Your Crypto & Get Off Exchanges!! ⚡💰 Nano S Plus, Nano X, and Stax: From $79!! ✔️ Completely Own & Control Your Crypto! 💵 iTrust...