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Showing posts with the label CommonLivingTrustMistakes

9 Mistakes to Avoid with Revocable Living Trusts

To request a free zoom video meeting to design your estate plan, click the following link and complete the short questionnaire: -- One of the most talked about areas of estate planning is the concept of individuals, couples and families using a revocable living trust program to avoid the court and attorney involved probate process that is necessary when someone dies with certain assets titled in their name. While it can be a beautiful thing when the living trust program eases the estate settlement after the Settlor of the trust dies, mistakes can be made that make matters more difficult. And when mistakes are made, things may not work out as planned. Mistakes made when taking advantage of a revocable living trust program include failing to fund the trust, having the trust instrument poorly written, thinking revocable living trust assets are protected from nursing homes and creditors, failing to understand the relationship between last wills, trusts, and beneficiary desig...