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Showing posts with the label dividendgrowth

Transferring Your Assets to Fidelity Investments 101: A Comparison with Robinhood, M1 Finance, and WeBull

LEARN MORE ABOUT OPTIONS HERE -- New Livestream Channel! Fidelity 101: Thanks for checking out the fidelity investments tutorial on transferring assets to fidelity investments 101 account! Setting up your investing account is crucial to get started investing in the stock market if you want to make dividends or other passive income. I personally use fidelity investments for the majority of my dividend investing portfolio. It is easy to use and user friendly, this is my fidelity investments tutorial. I use this for all my wealth building, cash storing and dividend investing. In the portfolio, I have a Fidelity 401k, Roth IRA, and individual brokerage account. I reinvest my dividends to attain more monthly dividend income and passive income! I also use fidelity to host 529 accounts for my nieces and nephews! And have real estate investments like fundrise, cardone capital and REITs. Head to to open your portfolio today! (I am not a fidelity affiliate, an...

rewrite this title Fidelity Investments 101: Buying and Selling Stock To Transfer Cash Back To Your Account | Investing

Setting up your fidelity investing account is crucial to get started investing in the stock market if you want to make dividends or other passive income. I personally use fidelity investments for the majority of my dividend investing portfolio. It is easy to use and user friendly, this is my fidelity investments tutorial. I use this for all my wealth building, cash storing and dividend investing. In the portfolio, I have a Fidelity 401k, Roth IRA, and individual brokerage account. I reinvest my dividends to attain more monthly dividend income and passive income! I also use fidelity to host 529 accounts for my nieces and nephews! And have real estate investments like fundrise, cardone capital and REITs. In this video I discuss how to buy and sell and transfer money to your bank accounts in cash of emergencies - hope it helps and you enjoy! Head to to open your portfolio today! (I am not a fidelity affiliate, and do not make a commission off this link) ...

April's Dividend Growth Increases in Dividend Investing Portfolio: Enhancing Income Stream

Dividend Investing Portfolio Update: Dividend Growth Increases for April 2023. This video will discuss Dividend Investing Portfolio Update: Dividend Stock Pay Increases, Dividend Growth and Dividend Investing for Financial planning. I hope you are interested in getting to know about April's Investing Portfolio Dividend Stock Pay Increases and Growing Dividends. The ideas and opinions presented in this video are meant for informational and entertainment purposes only, are not intended to serve as a recommendation to buy or sell any security in any account, and are not an offer or sale of a security. They are also not research reports and are not intended to serve as the basis for any investment decision. Disclaimer!! I am NOT a financial advisor! All opinions are my own. Please do your own due diligence or seek advise from a licensed professional. I am not responsible for any losses incurred by anyone. This is for entertainment only. best online share trading platform ...

"GNL Stock: A High Dividend Yield Option in High Yield Dividend Stocks and REIT"

In this video, I reveal one of the high-yield dividend stocks / real estate investment trust ( REIT ), Global Net Lease (aka GNL stock). This dividend stock has a high dividend yield and I review this dividend stock to see if it is a dividend stock to buy or dividend stock to watch. I go over the FFO of this REIT as well. Many dividend investors live high yield dividend stocks / REITs for dividend income / passive income. As a dividend investor, you should be careful and study the high yield dividend stock because it could be one of the highest paying dividend stocks, which can lead into a dividen yield trap. Make sure you study this real estate stock, as well as many others before you believe it is one of the best dividend stocks to buy for 2023. Enjoy the video and subscribe! #dividendstocks #Realestate #dividendos Understand REIT Investing Investing Bundle Pack CryptoCurrency Investing Dividend Investing and Wealth Amazon Flipping Too Much Money and Divid...

"Exploring the Dividend Income of My Portfolio and a Lucrative Passive Income Day"

In this video, I reveal to you my big passive income day for my E*trade dividend portfolio. This was a big dividend income day and there is serious potential for dividend income with my high-yield dividend stocks and dividend growth stocks. I also am a major income investor / value investor and I believe it is good to be diversiifed in monthly dividend etfs, monthly dividend stocks, high dividend growth stocks, and dividend growth stocks. Enjoy the video and subscribe for FREE videos! 0:00 Dividend Investing Introduction 2:58 Dividend Growth Stock 6:06 Monthly Dividend Stock 8:55 Bull Market and Bear Market Recession Understand REIT Investing Investing Bundle Pack Budgeting Sofware Tempelate CryptoCurrency Investing Dividend Investing and Wealth Amazon Flipping Cash Secured Puts Strategy Selling Covered Calls to Turbocharge Your Dividend Portfolio SaaS Stocks Create a M1 Finance Portfolio (We both get MONEY Per M1 Finance) My Linktree has a...

March Remunerated My Dividend Growth Investing Portfolio: Finance Planning for Lucrative Income Generation

Financial Planning in how much dividend income My Dividend Growth Portfolio paid me in the month of March. I sold out of 4 positions and added a new stock, while also adding capital to 5 positions already in my portfolio. This was my highest month of dividend income ever, and I expect it to keep on growing! Personal finance management, Goog, Altria (Mo), Microsoft (MSFT), BOC Bank of America, Apple (AAPL), Passive Sources Camera I use: Webcam I am using: Microphone I am using: Laptop I am using: #personalfinancialplanning , #personalfinance , #personalfinancemanagement #ytstudio #financialadvisor , #finances , #personalfinance #financetips I am not a Financial advisor or licensed professional. Nothing I say or produce on YouTube, or anywhere else, should be considered as advice. All content is for educational purposes only. I am not responsible for any financial losses or gains. Invest and trade at your own risk. 00:00 Introduction 01:47 Portfolio Updates 02:28 B...

Finance Planning: Developing a Dividend Growth Portfolio

Interested in Finance Management & Finance Planning in building a Dividend Growth Portfolio from scratch in 2023, then give this a watch! In this video, we'll be discussing how to start a brand new dividend portfolio, and how you go about building a dividend growth portfolio from scratch and scale it over time to create lasting, passive income. We'll talk about which brokerages you can use to create your dividend growth portfolio with, how many different dividend stocks you should invest in, and other key information to help you successfully start creating passive income from your dividend growth portfolio. Let's get into it! Personal Finance Management #ytstudio dividend portfolio, dividend aristocrats, Passive Sources, Stock Market Portfolio Management, personal finance management, personal financial planning, BAC Stock Price, Bac Stock, BOA Stock, Nusi Stock Dividend, Nusi Dividend Yield, Nusi Dividend, Jp morgan stock, Jp morgan dividend yield, dividendgr...

Inflation Protection: REITs, Commodities, Utilities and...

Download my Free Recession-Proof Portfolio Workbook: Have you looked at your groceries lately? Inflation is kicking back, right? If you're about to retire, this is one of your biggest enemies. Here's how you can protect your portfolio from it. 01:44 Impact of Inflation in Your Portfolio 03:23 Solutions Against Inflation 07:34 The Metrics and Filters to Fight Back Inflation 11:45 Why Dividend Growers are The Best Protection Why Investing in Gold Sucks MORE No More Dividends But I Keep It? Smith Manoeuvre: Borrow, Invest, Create Wealth Best Canadian Dividend Stocks for 2022 Get more info on: Blog: Podcast: Twitter: @TheDividendGuy Facebook: Newsletter: Disclaimer: The information contained within this video channel is for informational purposes only, and it is not intended as a recommendation of the securities highlighted or any particular investment strategy; nor should it be considered a solicitation to buy or sell any security. In addition, this inform...

dividend investing does not work (BECAUSE OF INFLATION)

Dividend investing simply does not work! With the historical rate of inflation hovering around 3% per year (looking at 1913 - 2013), inflation simply eats away at one's dividend income (since many stocks I buy pay a starting yield of around 3%). Just kidding! Of course this is not the case. However, I receive this comment all the time, and many people believe this myth. Today's video looks at dividend growth investing versus inflation and shows why dividend investing works despite inflation. Today's investing video gets a bit technical with some specific models. In an effort to make things simple (and based on long-time subscriber request), I'm thrilled to share with you my dividend investing Excel model today. You can download the model and follow along here: I start out today with a discussion of historical inflation. Personally, I think inflation is more in the 2% range. That said, I am willing to take 3% for the purposes of this video to be conservative...