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Showing posts with the label charliemunger2020

Investing in the 2023 Recession: Insights from Charlie Munger

SEEKING ALPHA - News & Analysis ▶︎ In this video I share some clips from Charlie Munger's latest interview for the Daily Journal Annual Meeting in February 2023. In the interview Munger, Warren Buffett's investment partner, discusses the current state of the markets, value investing principles, Alibaba and Costco Stock and much more. =========== STOCK ANALYSIS SPREADSHEET ▶︎ ------- STOCK ANALYSIS CHECKLIST ▶︎ ------- SHARESIGHT - Track Your Portfolio (4 Months FREE) ▶︎ ------- SEEKING ALPHA - News & Analysis (50% OFF) ▶︎ ------- TIKR - Financial Data (save 25%) ▶︎ ------- YOUNG INVESTORS PODCAST ▶︎ Apple Music ▶︎ Spotify ▶︎ YouTube ------- ★PRIVATE INVESTOR COMMUNITY★ ▶︎ ------- MY YOUTUBE GEAR ▶︎ ------- FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER ▶︎ BUSINESS ENQUIRES ▶︎ ------- Disclaimer: The information in this video is general information only and should not be ta...