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Showing posts with the label cahsvaluelifeinsurance

How to Offset Taxes on your Roth IRA and Generate Tax-Free Income

Hey everyone and welcome to our new video. Have you ever wondered how to cheat taxes legally, the best way to grow your wealth, or how to use a life insurance policy while alive? Maybe you wanted to know how big companies avoid taxes or how to grow your money quickly and safely. Do you want to know how to convert your IRA or 401k to a Roth? If you've ever considered this, it actually might be a very good decision. I will try to explain how you can go about it, the tax due, the tax code, and how you can cheat IRS with it. Today, I impose a question on you - what if there was a way to convert to a Roth and then with a specific investment potentially eliminate the taxes due, and then get tax-free income from the Roth? In this video, I will back up the tax code and explain to you how you can, just like in video games, beat the game with the IRS. Depreciation, retirement plans, life insurance, municipal bonds, we will mention them all. Conservation easements, production cr...