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Investing with Chris Naugle: The Average 401k Balance by Age and Recommended Savings at Present

The Average 401k Balance By Age and How Much You Should Be Saving NOW | Investing with Chris Naugle // Have you ever wondered how much your 401k savings compares to what other people of your age are doing? How much should you actually be saving in your 401K? Watch this video to learn how much the average person is saving in their 401K and if it is enough to retire on. Next, watch Can I Use My retirement account to Fund My Private Bank? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Stay Connected These Other Ways: INSTAGRAM: FREE WEEKLY WEDNESDAY WEBINARS: GET CHRIS' BOOK: 00:00 How Much You Should Be Saving NOW 00:49 Not many people will be able to retire based on average 401k balance 06:03 How much do you need saved? 08:30 Why do people fail? 10:03 Take advantage of the match #401k #retirementplanning #Cashflow #banking #money #creativefinance The material shared in this webinar has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not int...