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Showing posts with the label dividendetf

September 2023 Dividend Portfolio and Dividend Stock Buys: Introducing YieldMax TSLY ETF for Generating Passive Income

YieldMax TSLY ETF Passive Income for my Dividend Portfolio and Dividend Stock Buys (September 2023) In this YouTube video, I reveal to you my YieldMax TSLA Option Income Strategy ETF (TSLY ETF) passive income for the month of September. The year of 2023 has been a great year for dividend income / passive income and I reveal to you how many shares bought Enjoy the video and subscribe! Investing Introduction 0.00 TSLY ETF Review 0:58 Yield Max ETFs and TSLY Dividend 1:27 TSLY ETF Information and High Yield Passive Income 2:56 How much Passive Income Made 6:30 Dividend Stock Buys and REITs (Fractional Shares ) 6:51 TSLY ETF and NVDY ETF shares 9:17 YouTube Disclaimer 11:40 #passiveincome #dividendinvesting #stockstobuy Dividend Stocks, REITs, ETFs mentioned in this video: Spirit Realty Capital ( SRC stock ) Bank OZK ( OZK stock ) The Kroger Company ( KR stock ) Premier Financial Corp ( PFC stock ) VICI Properties ( VICI stock ) Starbucks Corp ...

Top 6 Monthly Dividend ETFs for Generating Income in 2023 with High Dividend Yields

Here are the best monthly dividend ETFs to earn income in 2023. All of these ETFs have a high dividend yield and will pay you dividends you could potentially live off. Get 12 free stocks valued up to $36,000 when you open an account with Webull and deposit just $0.01: ► FREE COURSES AND MONEY MAKING RESOURCES - Mayo University: ► FREE STOCKS - Get 6 free stocks worth up to $12600 when you deposit $0.01 with Webull: - Get up to 17 free stocks with moomoo using the link (February 20 – March 31), limited time exclusive, T&C Applys): ► HOW I MAKE MY VIDEOS - All of my equipment: - My music: - My title effects: - My graphics + stock footage: - How I make my thumbnails pop: ► OPEN A ROTH IRA AND START INVESTING - M1 Finance: ► FOLLOW ME - Instagram: 00:00 Introduction 00:14 #6 WisdomTree U.S. High Dividend Fund (DHS) 03:00 #5 S&P 500 High Dividend Low Volatility ETF (SPHD) 04:54 #4 Invesco Preferred ETF (PGX) 06:40 #3 Global X SuperDividend U.S. ETF (DIV) ...

Recession-Resistant HIGH Dividend INCOME Bond ETF: JPST

One of the most important questions I've been asked is what are the best investments to protect your portfolio. You see strong risk mitigation is the number one factor in a portfolios longevity and sustainability. And longevity is crucial especially for retirees who plan on living off their portfolios earnings. Now there are many ways someone can improve their portfolios ability to tolerate downside risk. for example, you have bonds, dividend stocks or ETFs, or high income investments like covered call ETFs. Overall, These investments are tools you can use to help preserve your Capital or safeguard your invested money from significant losses. But how do you choose the best ones? You see during specific economic conditions, certain investments are favoured over others. But overall, a portfolio of bonds and equities carry their own disadvantages. Especially when you look at bonds. Bonds Lack Diversity: Investing in individual bonds limits your ability to achieve ...

This stock could 5x the S&P 500 inside your ROTH IRA

It may come as a surprise, but some stock picks can consistently outperform the broad S&P 500. In this video I will outline my favorite stock to hold inside of my Roth IRA that will continue to beat the stock market. Favorite free stock trading platform with M1 Finance and free $10 to signup: Popular free stock trading platform and receive a free random stock with Robinhood: Information contained in these videos is not financial advice, always consult your own professionals and do your own research prior to making any investments. Never invest more money than you can reasonably afford to lose, as all investments are contain inherent risks. The author of the video may hold stock in some of the companies listed in these videos.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts INVESTING IN A GOLD IRA: Gold IRA Account INVESTING IN A SILVER IRA: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA