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Showing posts with the label Descript

Top 6 Private Scholarship Tips

2023 College Winter Bootcamp with Jocelyn Pearson of the The Scholarship System. Jocelyn joins Matt Carpenter for Session 3: Top 6 Private Scholarship Tips where we dig in on the best practices for college bound students and families of any age to secure private scholarships to help pay for college.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Treasury Inflation Protected Securities REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing When it comes to paying for college, scholarships are a great way to help defray the costs. While there are many public scholarships available, some of the most generous awards come from private organizations. To maximize your chances of receiving a private scholarship, here are the top six tips to keep in mind. 1. Start Early: Many private scholarships have application deadlines that are months in advance of when you need the funds. To ensure that you ha...

The 2022 Solo 401k Contribution Deadline

This is a video about the 2022 Solo 401k Contribution Deadline. Learn about Solo 401ks, their tax benefits, Roth Solo 401k, who can contribute to a Solo 401k, and how to set up a SOLO 401k, here. Solo 401k Contribution Deadline Solo 401ks give you the ability to save a huge amount of money every year as a small business owner but it's important to know the deadlines and important dates throughout the year. If you intend on making a Solo 401k Contribution, the money has to be in the account by your tax-filing deadline. If the entity type is a Sole Proprietorship, the annual solo 401k contribution deadline is April 15th, or October 15th of any given year if the tax return extension is timely filed. Whether you should set up a Solo k heavily depends on what business type you have. If you operate as an independent contractor or if you own an S Corporation, you very well likely could benefit from setting up a Solo 401k. There are two types of contributions to Solo 401ks...