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Showing posts with the label businesstaxdeductions

Self Employment Tax Deductions | W2 vs 1099 | Self Employed vs Employee taxes

A lot of people tell you a business is the best way to avoid taxes.. but rarely do they show you. In this video we will talk about the TOP tax write offs/ deductions that business owners (yes that includes independent contractors as well) can take full advantage of when filing their business tax return in 2021 and beyond. Self employment tax benefits are much more advantageous than w2 employees because you can deduct almost anything related to your business. there are better tax planning strategies and ways to invest in yourself and also reduce your tax liability. Even though business owners and independent contracts do have to pay the self employment tax, half of it is deductible and it pales in comparison to the tax savings you will receive once taking these write-offs. Don't delay! Start a business and invest in yourself, leave a legacy for you and your family, and keep more of your money in your pocket because you deserve! Instagram: @thecashcompass Business e-mai...

14 Last-Minute Tax Deductions You Don't Want To Miss (2022)

Watch this video to learn about some of the most important tax deductions you may be able to claim in the year 2022. From property tax deductions to charity contributions, we'll cover everything you need to know about last-minute tax deductions. It's still possible to take advantage of these strategies but you need to plan ahead and get started as soon as possible. Follow along with us as we go step by step through all these strategies so that you can be sure to take full advantage of them. Claim Your FREE 45-minute Investment Strategy Session to receive business planning tips and asset protection. 👉 If you enjoyed watching our video, we hope that you will consider subscribing to the channel and following us on social media. We have a lot of great content coming in the new year, and we hope that you will be able to enjoy it with us. Show Notes: 0:00 Intro 1:41 IRA Conversion 9:00 Salary and Bonus 10:06 Pay your kids 12:35 Employee 401(k) Contributio...