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Showing posts with the label CNBCEnglish

Rupal Agarwal, Bernstein's Analyst, Discusses Global Recession Concerns and the Indian Market Outlook on CNBC-TV18

Risk of a global #recession has increased says Rupal Agarwal of #Bernstein. Tells @prashantnair, @_soniashenoy & @Nigel_Dsouza that they are worried about Asian markets, ex-China over the next 12 months. #globalrecession #globalmarkets #indianmarketoutlook #cnbctv18 #businessnews #businessnewstoday #businessnewsinenglish #sharemarkettoday Read web story: About CNBC-TV18: India's leading business news channel, CNBC-TV18 offers the most comprehensive coverage of businesses, the economy and the financial markets. Catch all your favourite shows, exclusive videos, big-ticket interviews and more here. You can also connect with CNBC-TV18 News Online Catch the latest news: Follow CNBC-TV18 round the clock: Stay updated with all the market action in real time: You can also stay updated with all the latest news on-the-go with CNBC-TV18 Minis: n18oc_business... ( read more ) BREAKING: Recession News LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best ...

Prableen Bajpai Discusses How Inflation Affects Investments | Smart Money | CNBC-TV18

Prableen Bajpai, FinFix Research & Analytics founder talks about the impact of inflation on investments. Listen in. #prableenbajpai #financialplanning #investment #inflation #cnbctv18 #businessnews #businessnewstoday #businessnewsinenglish #sharemarkettoday About CNBC-TV18: India's leading business news channel, CNBC-TV18 offers the most comprehensive coverage of businesses, the economy and the financial markets. #n18oc_business Catch all your favourite shows, exclusive videos, big-ticket interviews and more here. You can also connect with CNBC-TV18 News Online Catch the latest news: Follow CNBC-TV18 round the clock: Stay updated with all the market action: Follow for Top Views News: Subscribe to our Channel: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: n18oc_business... ( read more ) LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: ...

Can Citizens' MPC Expect RBI to Maintain Status Quo on Interest Rates or Will There Be a Chance of Rate Cut?

With growth number springing a positive surprise, will RBI continue with status quo on rates or is there a chance of a rate cut? @latha_venkatesh discusses with CNBC-TV18 Citizens' Monetary Policy Committee. #RBI #RBImonetarypolicymeeting #RBIMPCmeeting #cnbctv18 #businessnews #businessnewstoday #businessnewsinenglish #sharemarkettoday About CNBC-TV18: India's leading business news channel, CNBC-TV18 offers the most comprehensive coverage of businesses, the economy and the financial markets. Catch all your favourite shows, exclusive videos, big-ticket interviews and more here. You can also connect with CNBC-TV18 News Online Catch the latest news: Follow CNBC-TV18 round the clock: Stay updated with all the market action in real time: You can also stay updated with all the latest news on-the-go with CNBC-TV18 Minis: Subscribe to our Channel: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Catch us on: Linkedin: n18oc_business... (...

RBI to Announce Policy Decision on June 8th | Will there be a Hike, Cut, or Pause? | CNBCTV18 | Citizen's MPC

Which way will the RBI move in the upcoming Monetary Policy? Will it continue with the pause or will we see a cut on the back of strong GDP data? Latha Venkatesh talks to Samiran Chakraborty of Citi, Soumya Kanti Ghosh of SBI, Sonal Varma of Nomura, fmr chief statistician Dr. Pronab Sen & Sajjid Chinoy of JP Morgan #rbi #mpc #rbimpc #monetarypolicy #monetarypolicycommittee #gdp #economy #india #cnbctv18digital #cnbctv18exclusive #cnbctv18 #businessnews #businessnewstoday #businessnewsinenglish #sharemarkettoday About CNBC-TV18: India's leading business news channel, CNBC-TV18 offers the most comprehensive coverage of businesses, the economy and the financial markets. #n18oc_business Catch all your favourite shows, exclusive videos, big-ticket interviews and more here. You can also connect with CNBC-TV18 News Online Catch the latest news: Follow CNBC-TV18 round the clock: Stay updated with all the market action in real time: You can also stay updat...

RBI Forecasts Accelerated Growth and Reduced Inflation in 2023 in their Monetary Policy, as per CNBC-TV18.

The Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) projected inflation for FY24 to 5.2 percent, governor Shaktikanta Das announced on Thursday. The RBI MPC has projected inflation for the first quarter of this fiscal at 5.1 percent, 5.4 percent for the second and third quarters and 5.2 percent for the fourth quarter, Das said. #rbimonetarypolicy #reporate #cnbctv18 #RBIMPCmeet #cnbctv18 #businessnews #businessnewstoday #businessnewsinenglish #sharemarkettoday About CNBC-TV18: India's leading business news channel, CNBC-TV18 offers the most comprehensive coverage of businesses, the economy and the financial markets. Catch all your favourite shows, exclusive videos, big-ticket interviews and more here. You can also connect with CNBC-TV18 News Online Catch the latest news: Follow CNBC-TV18 round the clock: Stay updated with all the market action in real time: You can also stay updated with all the latest news on-the-go with CNBC-TV18 Minis: n...

RBI Hikes Repo Rate By 25 Basis Points To 6.5%, Maintains ‘Withdrawal Of Accommodation’ | CNBC-TV18

The Reserve Bank of India today announced repo rate increase by 25 basis points to 6.5 %. The decision was announced by RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das. MPC decision was by 4 out of 6 majority. Amid volatile global developments, Indian economy remains resilient, Das said. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) in its February meeting has pegged real GDP growth for FY24 at 6.4% while growth for FY23 has been pegged at 7%. The MPC has forecast Q1FY24 growth at 7.8%, Q2 at 6.2%, Q3 at 6% and Q4 at 5.8%. #rbimonetarypolicy #rbiratehikes #shaktikantadas #cnbctv18 #businessnews #businessnewstoday #businessnewsinenglish #sharemarkettoday Read Web copy: About CNBC-TV18: India's leading business news channel, CNBC-TV18 offers the most comprehensive coverage of businesses, the economy and the financial markets. Catch all your favourite shows, exclusive videos, big-ticket interviews and more here. You can also connect with CNBC-TV18 News Online Catch the latest news: Fol...