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Showing posts with the label BlackMedia

Head of NAACP Doesn't Attend Reparations Hearing, Prioritizes Obtaining $139M for Ghana.

Recently, reparations task force member Reverend Amos Brown skipped out on a scheduled reparations hearing to help Kamala Harris secure $139 million for the country of Ghana. 🤝🏿✊🏿 ***For those who recognize the value of TD Hip Hop Media as well as the importance of it growing independent of YouTube. Please show you commitment to the channel by joining us on Patreon.*** 👍🏿CashApp 👍🏿Venmo @TDHipHop 👍🏿Join this channel to get access to perks: ⚠️Please join our email list. This is a critical step towards going independent of YouTube. 👍🏿PLEASE do me the BIGGEST favor and join TD Hip Hop's text message list by texting 'tdhiphop' to number 33222. Thanks! ***Stay in touch by joining my Telegram group*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🤳...