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Showing posts with the label canyouretireearlywithdividends

My Complete Plan to Retire at 50 With Dividend Investing | Not Retiring as Early as I First Thought

Welcome back to Continues To Tick! It's hard to accept I likely won't retire earl with Dividend Investing, or at least as early as I first imagined. However, with this said, I'm currently on a path to retire by age 50 with this strategy. In this video I go into detail on my complete plan to retire by the age of 50 with Dividend Investing. In addition to Dividend Investing, I show you my entire retirement strategy which also includes a state pension, a 457(b) account. And what am I going to do about health insurance in an earlier retirement?... I go over this as well. Given the journey is still a ways away as I'm currently 26 years of age, I also go over potential catalysts to speed up this process for an earlier retirement that age 50, along with potential disruptors which which in opposition would lead to a later retirement past age 50. This is a rather technical video, I usually don't make these, so I hope you enjoy it, as much as I enjoyed putting it to...