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Showing posts with the label dividendgrowthinvesting

Reasons to Avoid Replicating a YouTuber's Dividend Portfolio

In this helpful video I explain why you should never copy someone else's dividend portfolio, something that I see happening all the time. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:34 Examples of benefits Buffett gets that normal investors don’t get 2:05 Be aware of other investors, but don’t blindly copy them 2:16 Buffett’s advice 2:45 Each person’s investing reasons are unique to them 3:05 A reason why you shouldn’t copy my portfolio 3:20 My thoughts on how to invest 4:07 Some risks with my investments (another reason why you shouldn’t copy me) 5:20 More reasons not to copy my portfolio 5:39 Don’t let the fact that someone has a YouTube channel influence you to copy their portfolio – examples 9:40 My dividend retirement strategy vs the 4% retirement rule 13:00 Some differences between dividends vs selling shares 15:00 Insights into my love of dividends 17:27 A recent observation I had regarding a relative, their weight, and investing 15:56 Investing insights from some comments re: reit...

The Power of the Dividend Snowball Effect and Compound Interest in a Diversified Dividend Portfolio

The Dividend SnowBall Effect and Compound Interest With Dividend Portfolio In this video, I reveal to you how the dividend snowball effect is working with my dividend portfolio. I have been enjoying some serious dividend income and the compound interest is really working with growthing my dividend snowball effect. Each week I dollar cost average with my dividend portfolio and I am in my dividend reinvestment plan ( or DRIP plan ). The DRIP Plan is crucial for dividend growth investing and I am buying high yield dividend stocks and low yield dividend stocks with high dividend growth. Enjoy the video and subscribe for FREE dividend investing strategy videos! Dividend stocks mentioned: The Wendy's Company ( WEN stock ) Tyson Foods ( TSN stock ) STAG Industrial ( STAG stock ) Prudential Financial ( PRU stock ) Agree Realty Corporation ( ADC stock) NNN REIT Truist Financial Corp ( TFC stock ) Medifast, Inc. ( MED stock) PepiCo, Inc. (PEP stock) Starbucks Corporation ( SB...

Earning More Than $100,000/Year: Unveiling My Dividend Portfolio Worth $2,816,000

In this video I show you all the latest details of my dividend portfolio in Fidelity, and I’ll show you estimates for how my dividend income should snowball overtime, along with tons of other juicy tidbits. Chat with me on my free Dividend Discord chat server ➜ Follow me on X (Twitter) ➜ Follow me on Instagram ➜ Join my Patreon ➜ Buy some of my fun dividend merch (10% donated to St Jude) ➜ Listen to my Videos as Podcasts on iTunes ➜ Listen to my Videos as Podcasts on SoundCloud ➜ Use my Seeking Alpha Affiliate Link ➜ (I’m sponsored by Seeking Alpha). 0:00 Intro 1:39 My dividend portfolio in Fidelity 3:26 My account balances 3:58 My recent IRA dividends 5:16 My IRA dividend stocks 8:20 My Taxable account stocks 9:22 My recent Taxable dividends 9:57 My wife’s Rollover account 10:14 Total annual dividends I get in Fidelity 10:27 Recent Rollover dividends 10:39 My portfolio in my dividend spreadsheet product 14:45 A calendar of dividend payouts I’ve gotten and will get...

21 Essential Rules for Young Adults to Generate $1 Million in 2023: A Step-by-Step Guide

#money #howtomakemoney #paasiveincome #financialfreedom #howtomakemoneyonline #howtomake #financialfreedom How To Make Your First Million Dollars: 21 Essential Rules For Young Adults To Make Money In 2023 In this video, I'm sharing with you 21 rules for young people to build wealth in 2023. These rules will help you invest wisely, build a solid foundation for your future, and reach your financial goals. As the years go on, it becomes increasingly important for young people to build wealth. In this video, I'm sharing with you 21 rules that will help you reach your financial goals in a safe and effective way. From understanding stock market concepts to creating a winning real estate investing mindset, these tips will guide you to the successful path to wealth! Imagine a life where you have complete control over your finances – a life free from debt, financial worries, and the stress of living paycheck to paycheck. Achieving financial freedom may seem like a distant...

Long-Term Investment Options: Dividend Stocks to Consider for Sustainable Dividend Growth and Passive Income

In this YouTube video, I reveal to you my 5 dividend stocks to buy and hold forever for my dividend growth investing strategy and passive income. These 5 dividend stocks are some of the top dividend stocks to buy for dividend growth, as well as earning passive income. Regarding my dividend growth investing strategy, these dividend stocks have a rich history in increasing dividends for those who follow a dividend reinvestment plan ( dividend snowball effect ). I reveal to you my 5 dividend stocks to buy for the June edition. These dividend stocks have increased my net worth / net value, as well as made me earn money while sleeping. Dividend Stocks I own that are not mentioned: Medical Properties Trust ( MPW stock ) Zim Integrated Shipping ( ZIM stock) Ares Capital Corporation ( ARCC stock ) Innovative Industrial Properties ( IIPR stock ) Bank of America ( BAC stock ) Hercules Capital ( HTGC stock) Realty Income ( O stock ) Stag Industrial ( STAG stock ) #dividend #divid...

Investing for the Long-term: A Guide to Utilizing the Roth IRA

Most people understand that Investing with a Roth IRA is important, but a lot of people are unsure of what to invest in with their Roth IRA. Understanding your investing time horizon and the appreciation of asset classes is a great way to start when planning out your investments with a Roth IRA. In this video, I talk about the appreciation of different portfolio models as well as some of my favorite investments for a passive approach to investing with a Roth IRA for the long-term. 2:43 Historical performance of portfolio allocation models 5:17 Back test portfolio asset allocation 10:55 How I invest with my Roth IRA with a 25 year time horizon My Roth IRA Allocation Back test portfolio asset allocation ▸ Try M1 Finance: ▸ Seeking Alpha Premium (get 58% off): ▸ Net Worth Tracker (Personal Capital): How to transfer to M1 Finance: My dividend growth portfolio: I'm not a financial advisor and the content discussed today is merely my opinion and intended only f...

Comparing Retirement Options: With Dividends or Without?

In this valuable video I tell you what retirement is like for people who own dividend stocks versus those that don’t. 0:00 Intro 0:28 Census Report on Income Sources for Older Households 0:39 Household Income Deciles 1:34 Who is in those (retiree) households 1:54 6 Main Sources of (retiree) Income 6:40 What should an average 40-yr-old do that has never invested? 7:33 Quality Dividend stocks (perhaps Aristocrats & Kings) 8:14 Simple 3-Step Plan to get Wealthy/Rich 8:31 Why Dividend Passive Income is Ideal for Retirement 9:06 Median Retirement Accounts by Age 9:40 Example Div Portfolio to have about the pension/retirement acct that 65+ folks have 10:08 TLDR 10:25 Average Annual Spending of Retirees 10:34 Median Retirement Deferral rates 10:57 Retirement Calculators 11:08 More Benefits of Retiring with Dividends 11:35 Retiring without Dividends using the 4% Rule 12:32 Shoutouts/Outro My Seeking Alpha Premium Affiliate Link ➜ Chat with me on my free Dividend Discord chat s...

rewrite this title Fidelity Investments 101: Buying and Selling Stock To Transfer Cash Back To Your Account | Investing

Setting up your fidelity investing account is crucial to get started investing in the stock market if you want to make dividends or other passive income. I personally use fidelity investments for the majority of my dividend investing portfolio. It is easy to use and user friendly, this is my fidelity investments tutorial. I use this for all my wealth building, cash storing and dividend investing. In the portfolio, I have a Fidelity 401k, Roth IRA, and individual brokerage account. I reinvest my dividends to attain more monthly dividend income and passive income! I also use fidelity to host 529 accounts for my nieces and nephews! And have real estate investments like fundrise, cardone capital and REITs. In this video I discuss how to buy and sell and transfer money to your bank accounts in cash of emergencies - hope it helps and you enjoy! Head to to open your portfolio today! (I am not a fidelity affiliate, and do not make a commission off this link) ...

Is There Hope for TIPS Bond ETF?

#daytrading #swingtrading #spy #sp500 If you appreciate my content, please consider to like, comment and subscribe to my channel. Use Code "Zachly" for a discount. Link to join the Option Trading Tycoons Discord--- Link for free share from robinhood Link for up to $25 worth of stock or crypto free on SOFI ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes ONLY. This video is NOT financial advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker and does NOT come from a licensed professional. ⚠️ Use Code "Zachly" for a discount. Link to join the Option Trading Tycoons Discord--- Link for free share from robinhood Link for up to $25 worth of stock or crypto free on SOFI market sentiment,stock market sentiment analysis,stock market sentiment,stock market,defensive stock market,value investing,growth vs value,value investing vs growth investing,growth investing,dividend growth investing,growth investing ...

"Why Dividends Are NOT Free Money: Debunking the Dividend Fallacy!"

In this insightful video I go over the dividend fallacy theory, which helps explain why dividends are NOT free money. Chat with me on my free Dividend Discord chat server ➜ Follow me on Instagram ➜ Follow me on Twitter ➜ My Seeking Alpha Affiliate Referral Link: Seeking Alpha currently has a sale running where new people can sign up to their premium membership for only $99 for the 1st year (starting with a 7-day free trial that you can cancel) vs the normal $239/year that I've paid for years. They mentioned that they would probably be changing this offer soon, so verify what they’re offering if you try my link. I literally won’t buy or sell a stock anymore without first checking out the articles & comments section on Seeking Alpha. 0:00 Intro 0:30 The Free Dividends Fallacy TLDR 1:16 Caterpillar dividend impact on price 2:40 How the ex-dividend price drop is sometimes countered 2:56 Dividend yield Net (or Shield) 3:29 A key point the Dividend Fallacy authors are...

"How I Earn $98,800 in Annual Dividends from My $2.8 Million Dividend Portfolio"

In this exciting video I show you my entire $2.8 million dollar dividend portfolio that I’ve been building up over the last 30 years. You’ll also learn which dividend stock I sold out of as well as which new ones I’ve added. I’ll also share another dividend stock I plan to add in the future. Seeking Alpha Affiliate Referral Link: I’m a Seeking Alpha Affiliate 😊 Apparently there is a special sale running where you can sign up for premium membership for only $99 plus a 7-day free trial, and this sale will only last for a while. 0:00 Intro 2:15 My Portfolio in Fidelity 3:57 my Taxable account 9:02 JNJ & Kenvue 13:32 Taxable cont. 14:28 retirement account 1 15:43 retirement account 2 16:12 My dividend portfolio in my spreadsheet tool 21:49 Calendar view of my dividends 24:26 Estimates of my dividend growth 27:30 Sub comment 25:10 Various graphs of my portfolio 28:36 How taxes can be awesome for qualified divs 28:51 Some other $ sources for me 29:14 72t 29:38 ...

"GNL Stock: A High Dividend Yield Option in High Yield Dividend Stocks and REIT"

In this video, I reveal one of the high-yield dividend stocks / real estate investment trust ( REIT ), Global Net Lease (aka GNL stock). This dividend stock has a high dividend yield and I review this dividend stock to see if it is a dividend stock to buy or dividend stock to watch. I go over the FFO of this REIT as well. Many dividend investors live high yield dividend stocks / REITs for dividend income / passive income. As a dividend investor, you should be careful and study the high yield dividend stock because it could be one of the highest paying dividend stocks, which can lead into a dividen yield trap. Make sure you study this real estate stock, as well as many others before you believe it is one of the best dividend stocks to buy for 2023. Enjoy the video and subscribe! #dividendstocks #Realestate #dividendos Understand REIT Investing Investing Bundle Pack CryptoCurrency Investing Dividend Investing and Wealth Amazon Flipping Too Much Money and Divid...