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Showing posts with the label Data

Despite Inflation Cooling, Americans Still Feel Recession: Breaking Points

Krystal and Saagar discuss the latest economic data and how Americans feel about the current state of the US economy. To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: Merch Store: To listen to Breaking Points as a podcast, check them out on Apple and Spotify Apple: Spotify: #news #politics #youtube... ( read more ) BREAKING: Recession News LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing Americans Feel RECESSION Despite Inflation Cooling | Breaking Points In recent times, there has been an interesting contrast in the economic indicators in the United States. While inflation appears to be cooling down, many Americans still find themselves dealing with the effects of a recession. This phenomenon is an unusual occurrence that has left experts puzzled, as it defies conventional economic wisdom. Inflation, which measures...

"Fed's Focus Heightened as US Inflation and Gold Prices Increase" #shorts #inflation #Gold.

One of the reasons we have been so bullish on Gold spot is due to increases in inflation on the US consumer side. This increase in inflation is a byproduct of the stimulus done by the Federal reserve and increasing of US money supply to help US economy and markets. Investors hedge inflation risks by pooling money into safe havens such as gold. At the same time we are also seeing a decline from US stock markets at all time highs, inflation increasing and Gold holding aboce key 1795 price point in technical bullish structure Focus is on Federal reserve policy decisions regarding tapering /interest rate hikes and US economic data THIS IS ANALYSIS ACROSS CURRENCIES, COMMODITIES, INDICES AND OVERALL FINANCIAL MARKETS. PRIMARILY ANALYSIS AND TRADES ON GOLD, GBPJPY, PRIVATE CHANNEL WEBSITE: CAPITALHUNGRY.COM TELEGRAM USERNAME: @JHCapital FREE TELEGRAM ANALYSIS CHANNEL: T.ME/MONSTERFINANCEFX NEWS/ ANALYSIS TWITTER: BITCLOUT (IN...

Is the Data Science Job Market a Concern Amidst the Recession of 2023? 📉

🤓 Join my Discord server: Hi everyone! 👋 This video is slightly different from my usual content. But I'm hoping to provide a more positive take on the coming recession and what it means for tech/ data science jobs. We'll be going over some basic Macroeconomics concepts, and then talk about the silver linings of the coming recession and what you can do to prepare for it. I hope you enjoy this video 😄. Let me know what you think in the comment below 👇 🔑 TIMESTAMPS ================================ 0:00 - Intro 1:46 - Economics 101: Recession, inflation and policies 6:33 - Why this recession might be different 7:33 - Job marketing is relatively good! 8:33 - Becoming irreplaceable 9:52 - Transformed data job market 12:10 - Producer vs. Consumer mindset 13:22 - Benefits of recession for start-ups 14:10 - Connect & collaborate with others 14:31 - Find your sweet spot 👩🏻‍&#x1f4bb...

कैसे बनाए जाते हैं पावरफुल बिज़नेस मॉडल | संपूर्ण ज्ञान | 12 Business Models| Dr Vivek Bindra

A business that lacks a perfect business model cannot sustain itself for a longer period in the market. So what exactly is a business model? Should it be based on a model, a method, a system, or a process? How should you build one? If you are a business owner watch this video in which Dr. Vivek Bindra is talking about 12 powerful business models and explaining each in detail that will help you to build a powerful business model. ============================================================================ Dr. Vivek Bindra is an International Motivational Speaker, Leadership Consultant & Business Coach. He has been awarded Honorary Ph.D. Degree, Doctor of Philosophy. He is a Trusted Advisor to over 1500+ corporates. He has also been an Inspirational Pathfinder to various high-profile entrepreneurs and other top-notch business entities providing Leadership excellence for taking their organizations to the next level. He has been instrumental in providing CEO coaching to ov...

Economic Data Points to Better Year for Gold and Silver

Economic Data Points to Better Year for Gold and Silver Precious metals enjoyed a resilient 2022. However, the inflation “dividend” that was expected to accrue to gold and silver didn’t materialize. We can thank the most aggressive Fed in 40 years for that. The year 2023 is already off to a much different start, however. Early economic data suggests a rate-hike pause could be coming – followed by a pivot. As signs grow that a dovish Fed is on the way, precious metals are making up for lost time and surging higher. Are you thinking about opening a gold IRA and participating in the 2023 “gold rush”? Subscribe to our channel, and request our guide to learn more: Subscribe to our channel, and request our guide to learn more: Free Gold IRA Guide: #inflation #CPI #economy... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Precious Metals IRAs HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing REVEALED: Best Investment During In...

Russell Napier: Growing Wealth in an Inflation Avalanche (w/Russell Napier and Stephen Clapham)

If central banks and governments unite to debase their money and depreciate their currency, will the long-awaited inflation finally arrive? And if it does, how can investors position themselves to not only protect their portfolio—but in fact grow their wealth—in this inflationary environment? Russell Napier, preeminent investment strategist, joins Stephen Clapham of Behind the Balance Sheet to answer these two critical questions. Napier makes his case for why inflation is indeed on the horizon, discussing everything from rent controls and yield curve capping to credit rationing and pricing power, and then he and Clapham explore the various investments that have a favorable risk/reward profile should Napier's thesis prove correct. Filmed on February 4, 2021. Key learnings: Napier sees favorable opportunities in companies that can secure easy debt financing, value stocks whose pricing power varies with inflation, and countries with low debt-to-GDP ratios such as Singapore. ...

Four Fatal Flaws in the Pension System & the Coming Retirement Crisis (w/ Konstantin Boehmer)

Why have pension funds misjudged reality for decades – and how can you profit from this mispriced risk? Konstantin Boehmer of MacKenzie Investments walks viewers through the four major design flaws that are built into pension systems worldwide. He argues that pension fund managers have overestimated their ability to generate investment returns, and have pursued desperate measures by taking on too much risk in order to compensate for these faulty return expectations. Boehmer explains how the mismatch between retirees’ goals and pension fund managers' incentives has distorted the market, and suggests a few ways to protect yourself from the pensions crisis looming on the horizon. Filmed on January 13, 2020, in Toronto. Thanks for watching The Interview, the premier business and finance interview series in the world. Subscribe to our channel now for more videos like this one: Do you want even more content like this? And to see this video before we release it here? Become...

From Data to Knowledge - 102 - Eamonn Keogh

Eamonn Keogh: "A Trillion here, a Trillion there: Scaling Time Series Data Mining to a Trillion Time Series" A video from the UC Berkeley Conference: From Data to Knowledge: Machine-Learning with Real-time and Streaming Applications (May 7-11, 2012). Abstract Eamonn Keogh (Computer Science and Engineering Dept., University of California, Riverside) In this talk I will argue the following claims. 1) Similarity search is the fundamental operation for mining time series data, and virtually any task, classification, clustering, rule finding, anomaly detection etc., can be efficiently and effectively solved once the similarity search problem is solved. 2) While there are dozens of alternative distance measures for similarity search, a 50-year old idea, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is exceptionally hard to beat. 3) DTWs often touted lethargy is no more. With four simple new ideas, we can exactly search billions of time series in a minute under DTW, using off-the-shelf comp...

Nicira Virtualizes the Network for AT&T, eBay, Fidelity Investments, NTT and Rackspace

Nicira - it's time to virtualize the network with the Nicira Network Virtualization Platform (NVP). ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERT IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERT IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #Center #centers #Cloud #computing #Data #distributed #infrastructure #network #Nicira #NVP #Platform #softwarebased #softwaredefined #virtual #virtualization #FidelityIRA #Center #centers #Cloud #computing #Data #distributed #infrastructure #network #Nicira #NVP #Platform #softwarebased #softwaredefined #virtual #virtualization