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Showing posts with the label babybasicsinternational

New Dad in Training - Part 4 - 8 Tips to Bond with Your Baby Right Away

Majority of New Expecting Dads are under pressure to be a "good dad". But fatherhood isn’t fixed! Even the most experienced of dads would still make errors. Therefore you need not beat yourself up for small things that did not go right even after your calculated decision making. New Dad in Training - Part 4 - 8 Tips to Bond with Your Baby Right Away: focuses on giving you tips on how to start with bonding with your baby as soon as he or she is born. Time spent soon after birth is crucial as explained in the video. You have the power to create your own version to meet your needs and the needs of your family, and you can do it over time. From pregnancy and throughout the first years of parenthood, you’ll change and develop your own unique identity as a dad. So keep calm and continue with your growth as a father together with your baby. DISCLAIMER All content and information in this video is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medic...