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Adam Talks - Important Self-Directed IRA Case for Bitcoin investors

0:00: Important Court Case & It’s Implications for Crypto Investors 0:20 McNulty v. Comm'r of Internal Revenue 2:30 Facts about Bitcoin Court Case 3:13 Purchasing precious metals in an IRA 3:30 Section 408 of the Internal Revenue Code 5:00 How physically holding precious metals can lead to tax penalties 6:15 Laws pertaining to holding precious metals in Self Directed IRA 6:40 Why personal control of IRA assets defeats the purpose of an IRA 7:40 Do cryptocurrencies have an asset protection class? 7:54 Can I legally hold cryptocurrency in a cold wallet? 8:20 Can my IRA hold cryptocurrency in a cold wallet? 8:57 Is holding cryptocurrency in a cold wallet a taxable distribution? 9:15 Is it legal to hold cryptocurrencies on an exchange? 9:50 Why do people move cryptocurrencies from an exchange to a cold wallet? 10:08 Are cold wallets more secure? 10:25 How has this case changed crypto IRAs? 11:52 What type of assets can you physically hold in a self-directed IRA? 13:55 Can...