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Showing posts with the label bankbailinexplained

How Biden's Bank Bailouts Could Have a Direct Impact on Your Savings

Download our free Wealth Protection Guide to learn how gold and silver can help preserve your money as big banks lose theirs: Banks are failing all around us. Most notable was the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. The news sent shockwaves through Wall Street, causing stocks to plummet. And now experts are telling us to prepare for more. Think the collapse won’t impact you? Think again! This single failure could start a domino effect of economic collapses that directly impact you! Don’t believe us? Look no further than the bail-out by the Biden administration. President Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have given the green light for the billions of dollars to bail out Silicon Valley Bank, essentially giving other banks the OK to spend YOUR hard-earned savings and retirement investments with no retribution. So, just how is the government going to pay for this bailout? By printing more money–money the U.S. can’t afford right now. That made-up mone...

The answer to whether banks can just take your money depends on various factors | Bank Bail In vs Bail Out 2023: What You Need to Know

Quite a few supersavers have asked the question - can banks just take your money? The answer is it depends. Bank Bail In vs Bail Out 2023 - this video - will address that question & more, including: 1. What's the difference between a bank bail in vs bail out 2. How to protect your money if a bail-in does happen (because it's easier to do this than you might think) 3. What role the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) plays in this context 4. What happened in the last bail-in I'll also talk briefly about the AIG bail out, the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 & the Cyprus bank bail in of 2013. SOURCES: 👉 Subscribe for all things inflation, Treasury bills, I-Bonds, investing & retirement! #jenniferlammer #fdic2023 #fixedincome ------- WATCH NEXT ⭐ The "Leaked" FDIC Video Was Not Leaked: ⭐ How To Invest During A Debt Ceiling Crisis: ⭐ US Default & Your Bonds: ⭐ China &...