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Showing posts with the label dataanalyst

Is the Data Science Job Market a Concern Amidst the Recession of 2023? 📉

🤓 Join my Discord server: Hi everyone! 👋 This video is slightly different from my usual content. But I'm hoping to provide a more positive take on the coming recession and what it means for tech/ data science jobs. We'll be going over some basic Macroeconomics concepts, and then talk about the silver linings of the coming recession and what you can do to prepare for it. I hope you enjoy this video 😄. Let me know what you think in the comment below 👇 🔑 TIMESTAMPS ================================ 0:00 - Intro 1:46 - Economics 101: Recession, inflation and policies 6:33 - Why this recession might be different 7:33 - Job marketing is relatively good! 8:33 - Becoming irreplaceable 9:52 - Transformed data job market 12:10 - Producer vs. Consumer mindset 13:22 - Benefits of recession for start-ups 14:10 - Connect & collaborate with others 14:31 - Find your sweet spot 👩🏻‍&#x1f4bb...