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Showing posts with the label costoflivinghigh

Inflation: How Bad Can It Get?

Inflation is hitting 40-year highs around the world, but how bad can it get? Two leading economists, David Woo and Özlem Onaran, debate the potential impact on the stock market. Our full analysis on inflation is here: Also you can check out more from David Woo on: And also the David Woo Unbound YouTube Channel: 0:00 - How bad can inflation get? 2:20 - Who is to blame for inflation 2022? 3:40 - Are sanctions on Russia to blame for inflation? 4:22 - Is the Russian invasion to blame for inflation? 5:00 - Will increasing interest rates fix inflation? 6:00 - Did stimulus cause inflation 2022? 7:50 - Is Covid-19 to blame for inflation? 9:42 - Did supply chain issues cause inflation? 12:00 - Will price-control help the cost of living crisis? 15:40. - Could investing in renewable energy fix rising oil prices? 16:30 Can investing in renewables reduce inflation? 19:13 - Has the war in Ukraine affected inflation? 20:00 - Have sanctions against Russian caused higher inflation? 22:2...