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Showing posts with the label CreatedbyVidyard

Stop Losing Money with Your 401K/403B Plans! Roll Over and Earn 4.52% with Zero Fees.

LTM Simply. Even If You Are Not Invested In The Market You Are Still Loosing Money With Your 401K/403B Plans! It adds up 🆙In the long run. Do Not leave the Investments Inside the 401K/ 403B. Currently You Can Earn Up To 4.8% Without Any Expenses . And Is NOT An Annuity !!!! Why I Decided To Rollover My 401K . After I Researched What Was Inside Target Data Fund Everything Changed For My Personal Account! If you are close to retirement or retired most likely you are in Target Data Fund. And even if you Opt out you are still paying in most cases over .50% FEE . Most investor are not aware what’s happening and are still paying ! Some of this fees like recordkeeping services are not listed in your quarterly statements. So for example if you have 500K in your account you are paying over $2500 each year and getting NO service. ————————————————— ————————————————— Let’s Simplify Things! My Goal Is To Encourage, Motivate & Inspire You That Successful ...