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Showing posts with the label annuityproblemsandsolutions

rewrite this title Annuity Explained for Retirement | Do The PROS Outweigh The CONS

This video “Annuity Explained For Retirement | Do The Pros Outweigh The Cons” is the second in our annuity series. We recap annuity basics (e.g. what is an annuity, who buys an annuity & the difference btw a retirement annuity vs IRA) & dive deep into annuity advantages, annuity problems & solutions & if an annuity investment is good for retirement planning. The next three videos in the coming weeks will go through: - the types of annuities - fixed annuity vs. indexed annuity vs. variable annuity - the difference between an immediate annuity vs. deferred annuity - how to structure an annuity payment & - annuity riders 0:00 Intro 3:07 Advantage #1 4:23 Advantage #2 4:59 Advantage #3 7:31 Disadvantage #1 10:42 Disadvantage #2 WATCH NEXT ⭐ 2022 November I-Bond Rate Prediction: ⭐ How To Buy An I Bond (step-by-step tutorial) via TreasuryDirect: ⭐ How Is I-Bond Interest Formula Calculated & When Does It Show Up In Your Account: ⭐ How To Buy Mo...