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Showing posts with the label assetallocationexplained

Understanding Asset Allocation: Determining the Optimal Level of Aggressiveness for My 401k

If you have ever wondered how aggressive should my 401k be - OR - What is asset allocation? ...then you might like this video. Understanding asset allocation and how aggressive your 401k asset allocation should be are important components within the perspective of your overall Financial Plan for retirement. We do not go into depth within this video about Modern Portfolio Theory, but in a similar way, your 401k asset allocation is just one component within the bigger picture of your total Financial Plan and it does not have to be allocated the exact same way as your other retirement accounts. Each account you create or fund may have a different role for your financial future. As your Financial Life grows and matures over time, you may develop different asset allocation strategies for different accounts. My wife and I merged all our finances after getting married and each of our individually owned accounts have been combined into our Financial Plan. In this video I share...