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Showing posts with the label corepositionfidelity

Comparing Fidelity's Core Money Market Funds (SPAXX, FZFXX, and FDRXX) and FCASH: A Guide on Core Position Changes

Fidelity’s core money market fund positions - which ones do we hold & why? How do you change your core money market fund position (step-by-step)? What other money market fund options might you want to consider? That's what we'll be covering in today's video, including SPAXX, FZFXX & FDRXX vs FCASH & Fidelity's FDIC-Insured Deposit Sweep Program & a brief overview of the municipal money market funds they offer. 👉 Help keep our one-of-a-kind videos unbiased & sponsorship-free through channel membership - become a super-supersaver member: #jenniferlammer #bonds #fixedincome ------- WATCH NEXT (member videos) ⭐ July Live Member Q&A: ⭐ Learn More About Agency Bonds: ⭐ Understanding Credit Ratings: WATCH NEXT ⭐ SIPC 101: _________ SOURCES _________ DISCLAIMER EVERYONE'S FINANCIAL JOURNEY IS DIFFERENT. YOUR PERSONAL FINANCIAL SITUATION IS UNIQUE. NEITHER DIAMOND NESTEGG, LLC, OUR WEBSITE, OUR YOUTUBE CHANNE...