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Showing posts with the label benefitsofaspousalbypasstrust

Why to choose a spousal or discretionary bypass trust for pension benefits when you die

When the pension freedoms were announced back in March 2014, the appeal of discretionary bypass trusts, commonly referred to as spousal bypass trusts, was dramatically reduced. The new rules meant you could leave your defined contribution pension to dependants other than just your spouse and they could draw an income. So why would anyone still want to use a bypass trust? That’s the question I explore in this video, looking at typical scenarios when a spousal bypass trust may be helpful. Other videos you might like: Tax and other charges of a spousal or discretionary bypass trust for defined contribution pensions – Thanks for checking out my You Tube channel - I’m Justin King and my aim is to help people to live successful lives. That often involves understanding your money. If you enjoy this video, please press the like button to help more people like you find my channel. If you're planning your retirement and want to make the best use of your wealth to provide fo...