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Showing posts with the label codiesanchez

A Business That Remains Resilient During the 2023 Recession

Want to three more businesses to weather any recession? Check out: Today we're talking about one of the most recession-proof businesses that has one of the lowest failure rates on the market today. The real money isn't in crypto schemes, NFTs and Airbnb arbitrage. As I've said before, it's in boring businesses that have recurring revenue. Today you're going to get a 10-minute lesson in a business that's not only high ROI and low on the migraine scale. I spoke with the co-founder & CEO of RL Property Management, Peter Lohmann, who turned his systems engineering background into software that lets property owners rent their properties to clients while making the process seamless for you. Ever wonder whether you should go into short-term rentals vs long-term? When does one have an advantage over the other? And what do you do in a down market, like ones we're starting to feel in 2023? We want predictable revenue with passive income and sticky...