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Showing posts with the label benefitsofalivingtrust

20 Financial Questions Answered - Sep 10 2018

1 What investment vehicle options are there besides a 401k or IRA/Roth IRA? 2 How can I calculate my total amount of money in 5 years if it's growing at a rate of 5% per year? 3 Why do people not put maximum contribution in 401k account ? 4 What’s the worst personal finance advice you ever received? 5 Is have a 401k plan necessary for today's retirement plan, and would the ROI be worth it for retirement? 6 What common financial advice should you always ignore? 7 Did you, or do you plan to, start collecting Social Security at age 70 instead of your full retirement age? Why or why not? 8 Why would you take early Social Security (Age 62)? 9 Can I take out $200k from my $401 retirement account ? 10 Is a tax deferred investment always preferable to a tax exempt investment when it comes to retirement? 11 Donald Trump says he is considering indexing capital gains to inflation. Is this a good idea? 13 What are some of the benefits of a living trust? 14 Do I have ...