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Showing posts with the label BritishStatePension

Latest DWP guidance on underpaid State Pension for someone who’s died

The DWP - Department for Work and Pensions – has updated its guidance for the next of kin or executor for someone who has died who may have been underpaid their State Pension. That’s because they did not get the automatic increase in their pension that they were entitled to. This is relevant for people who reached State Pension age before and after 6th April 2016, and the following groups of people: - those who were married or widowed when they died; - and those aged 80 or over when they died. Useful links: Request information from DWP about underpaid State Pension for someone who has died: About the Lower Basic State Pension (Category BL State Pension): More about inheriting some of your spouse or civil partner’s State Pension when they die: More about the Over 80 pension - Other videos you might like: Everything you should know about State Pensions in the UK - State Pension top-up for UK residents aged over 80 - Can you inherit a spouse's state pension if ...

UK STATE PENSION RISE 2022 & What Has Happened to CPI & RPI? / Retirement Planning UK

UK STATE PENSION RISE 2022 & What Has Happened to CPI & RPI? The official increase in the UK State Pension from April 2022 will be 3.1%. This is due to the increase being aligned to the suspended triple lock meaning that average earnings will not be included in the test. Therefore the remaining two parts to this is the greater of CPI or 2.5% guaranteed minimum. CPI came in at 3.1% in September largely due to increasing transport costs and dragged down slightly by the cost of restaurants and hotels. And interestingly RPI, for those whose pensions are still based off of that measure came in at an eye watering 4.9%. As a reminder RPI includes mortgage interest payments and is therefore heavily influenced by house prices and interest rates. CPI on the other hand takes into account all other goods and services but not housing costs. Therefore CPI being the higher amount the full New State Pension, so remember based on 35 qualifying years will increase from £9339 per ...