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Showing posts with the label CommonRothIRAConversionMistakes

Avoid These 13 Mistakes in Your Roth IRA

In this video, we're going to discuss some of the common mistakes people make when setting up a Roth IRA. These mistakes can lead to serious financial consequences, so be sure to watch and learn! If you're thinking about setting up a Roth IRA, then you need to watch this video! We'll discuss some of the most common Roth IRA mistakes and how to avoid them. By following these tips, you'll make sure that your Roth IRA is set up correctly and will protect your money in the event of an emergency! -Check out our new course, Index Fund Pro: -Instagram: -TikTOK: ================== FREE GUIDES: Check out the free guide on where to put your money in what order! Here is the free How to Ask for A Raise ebook! ================== USEFUL RESOURCES: The Year-End Money Checklist The 75-Day Money Challenge Finally, Get That Raise Best Personal Finance Books: ================== ABOUT ME 👇 My mission is to provide my viewers with all the tool...

Common Roth IRA Conversion Mistakes

In this video, Colin Exelby, CFP® explains the five most common conversion mistakes so you don’t make them. Learn in detail, five ways investors, financial advisors, and CPAs have made mistakes so that you can take full advantage of Roth conversions. A Roth conversion is a strategy where you move Traditional, SEP, or Rollover IRA funds into a Roth IRA for tax-free future growth. Anyone can do it, no matter your age or your income limit. So the younger you are when you do it, potentially the larger the benefit. They’re even more powerful when converted in a down market. Watch this video to learn why. TIME STAMPS : 00:00 Roth IRAs 00:35 5 Most Common Conversion Mistakes 01:22 The Pro-Rata Rule 04:39 Not converting enough assets while young 07:20 Forgetting about the IRMAA penalty 08:31 Converting the entire IRA in a single year 09:20 The 5 year rule ★☆★ Who Is IRMAA And Why Does She Matter? ★☆★ ★☆★ Roth IRA Conversion Pros and Cons in 2022 ★☆★ ★☆★ How to Create...